Thursday, June 2, 2011


I, having succumbed to the noise and the bustle of the corporate world, have forgotten the great power of silence. Silence is all that matters.

I, who should have known better, who once made silence his master for three long years, whom silence now serves - I, who have grasped the awesome power of silence, unlearned the lesson that is remembering and remembered to forget. This I tell you.

Now I tell you this. That silence is the great slayer of tyrants. That silence is the voice of the grave. That silence is the source of realization and that silence is the noise of noiselessness and should be remembered and I would give everything I own for a little more of it.

I tell you now, in the spirit of Sandberg, that silence is the great denier of evil, for evil is a hungry beast that feeds on the noise of men.

     - 11/15/2010
     - (12/6/2010)
     - (1/14/2011)

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