
Monday, November 30, 2015

Wal-Mart, 2015

Five days now I have written my soul empty
but there's always Wal-Mart
to fill it back up again
Wal-Mart with all its bullshit

with its stupid fucking cheer
with its vapid rollbacks
and fucking early Christmas lights
with its side counters full of crap
and half eaten stolen deli dinners
with the skus torn off
General Tso's goddamn chicken again

where the Peter Principle
is more perfectly embodied
where thieves find their tools of trade
box cutter blades by the screwdrivers
with which to ply their trade
all free for the taking

where they sell rotten meat
because labor is a controllable cost
where they lock the bathrooms at night
where cashiers shit their pants
and stockers need to pee
where everyone's in too big a hurry
to give a shit anymore

where it's cheaper to pay a fine
than it is to do the right thing
where you get fired
for doing what you're told
where they treat you like shit
even dogs get treated better
where they build you up
just to knock you down again
where respect for the individual
is just another meaningless mantra
just one more lie
in a sea of lies
that add insult to injury

where everything is incrementally excremental
where it gets shittier every day
where they fill your head with bullshit
and where the screaming in your head
never ends

the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room
the great big swinging dick in the room
its ridiculously huge cock swinging there
back and forth
like a pendulum
like the goddamn fucking cross
of Golgotha
come there to save us all
come there to save us all some money
and help us all live better again

Yeah, Wal-Mart will fill me up again
because there's enough human drama
enough human suffering
and enough human condition there
to fill volumes
to stock the shelves of every library in the world
enough even to fill the shelves
of every goddamn fucking Wal-Mart
in the world

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Poetry Machine

I buy one thirty dollar smartphone
And already I feel like Google
Has taken over everything

But I never realized
That they had finally invented
The perfect poetry machine

It's always there in my pocket now
Awaiting the perfect line
And the not so perfect line

Today it captured the strangest image
Of mysterious hungry mouths
On hungry yellow stalks endlessly swaying
On a white plain
A sea of mouths in the wind
The size of melons
As far as the eye can see

Nothing gets lost now
As it sits in my pocket
An ever present presence always waiting
The serendipity of eternal dictation

And while the endless sea of mouths move
They murmur too
Some in unison
Some not
While in the cacophony
Something beautiful is occasionally heard

The Dumb Ass Patrol

The dumb ass patrol is out in full force today
The dumb ass patrol
And their impossible expectations

Like 75 picks an hour
Climbing up ladders
Pulling down cases that weigh 40 pounds
While one hundred fifteen Chinese kids
Are packed together in dorm rooms
To sleep four hours and do it again

Impossible expectations
Like a clean back room
And everything off the floor
When there's two trucks worth of freight
And nowhere to go with it
Sitting on pallets
Mute and silent like the dusty dead
While somewhere a child spends Christmas eve
Making toys for other children

Impossible expectations
Set by impossible dumb asses

Impossible expectations
Like cranking out two thousand price changes
When you have to reset
The entire department
By yourself
But no overtime
And no excuses
Or its your ass
You should've been done already anyway

Impossible expectations
While Isis mutilates it's children
Just so we can pump more oil through our trucks

Yeah the dumb ass patrol
Is out in full force tonight
That new breed of supervisor
Whose mouths work faster than their brains
When they even have brains at all

Yeah impossible expectations
But my mind is far away
In a land of far away vision and manga

Hey, Shinichi Izumi
Who is that your talking to?
Are you talking to your hand again?
Your cock this time?
But Shinichi doesn't answer
And I turn once again
To hear the barking of human dogs
with Wal-Mart badges and titles
That obedient
That stupid
That impossible to ignore
While the blue pallets bear mute witness

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Old Bird

I still remember her
sitting in front of her basement condo
in that grey bathrobe
old as dirt with a cigarette dangling from one hand
a red Solo cup on the table beside her
perched there like an old bird
giving everyone the stink eye

yeah for a while there I hated her on sight
but years later
when I was down and out
when all the credit cards were maxed out
when the condo was in foreclosure
and the whole world turned its back on me
it was the crazy lady who took me in

I think for a while there no one liked her at all
there in our little condo complex
at the foot of Signal Mountain
living in what we used to call cell block A
because these weren't the classy condos, you know
this was the Baltic and Mediterranean
of Mountain Creek Road
but it was OK
we all liked it
it was cheap and cozy and it did the job
that's all I can say about it

five years I lived above that crazy broad
trying to come and go without being seen
but at the age of 72
she didn't miss a lick
nothing happened there
that she didn't know about it
there in cell block A
our little crackerbox affair
with everyone packed on top of each other

but for a while there I parked my car on the other side
coming up the steps where she couldn't see me
until one day
she poked her head around
asked me if I wanted a beer
said we needed to talk

anytime a woman says
we need to talk
you know you're in trouble
but looking back I think
it might've been the only smart thing
I ever did
for that entire decade of my life

that's how the whole thing got started anyway
all the crazy parties and late nights
in front of her condo
at the foot of Signal Mountain
on Mountain Creek Road
I met a lot of people then
some good
some bad
but still just a lot of people
for a recluse like myself
Hell, it was probably good for me
but I still hated her just a little
even after all that

because she was all right after a few beers
she'd get going
saying that the wisdom of 72 years
could be summed up by saying
you can't go wrong
with an oblong ding dong

I remember once she almost fell down
in the parking lot
remember helping her back into her apartment
thinking that one day she would hurt herself
but she never did
and all the neighborhood college kids seemed to like her
so it went

but after a few more
tin cans of crazy
it always went south
she was not a happy drunk
talking in circles
getting mean
and driving everybody crazy
it was hard to break away
kept getting harder
and I always ended up staying
just a little bit longer than I wanted to
but more and more
a long time longer
until I finally went back upstairs
head spinning

truth be told
she was one mean fucking drunk
she had a way of leaving you
feeling all hollowed out
like a Thanksgiving turkey
with the guts yanked out
like she was making a meal out of you
with the things she said
each word from her mouth
like the bite of a Kimodo dragon
and maybe she was
or something
but old people get away with a lot of shit
so for a long time there
I tried avoiding her again
but that never lasted long

Hell, nothing does, ya know what I'm saying?

Five years I lived on top of that tough old broad
through the red and yellow blur
of the Chattanooga autumns
that made the mountain there
so beautiful it could change a man forever
and the blistering hot summers
of East Tennessee
on the north Georgia border

Five years
while that hollow wind blew
through the wasteland inside of me
past the junk pamphlets, broken glass
and cracked pavement
of my heart's broken city
where no one talked to anybody at all

Five years
and I slowly started
to just lose my shit completely

and she was down there the whole time
cranking her crappy radio
playing the same song over and over again
I never learned its name
sometimes the people we try to avoid
are the ones we need the most

yeah, five years I lived
with that wasteland inside of me
and when the shit went down
and the bank took my house
when I was just standing there
a dick with his dick in the wind
nowhere to go
she was the one who took me in
that crazy old bird
that mean old drunk
the one I'd spent five years trying to avoid

life never works the way its supposed to I guess
but she did more than take me in
without even meaning to I think
she gave me one lasting parting gift
before she died
she introduced me to just one more person
before we both left for good
the woman who gave birth to my only child
the child who made that hollow wind
blow its way out of crazy town for good

and it wasn't until I held my newborn daughter in my hands
that I finally figured out
the thing that I was supposed to be doing
the source of all that emptiness
the thing that fueled the madness
all that time
and I felt healed
for the first time in years
I felt my heart bloom like some strange vegetable flower
I'd never seen before
the one that finally pulls the sunshine back down to earth
where it belongs

like I said
sometimes the people we try to avoid
are the ones we need the most
it takes a lot of wisdom
to know the difference I guess
or maybe it's all just an accident
maybe I got lucky
I don't know
I never claimed to be a wise man
that's for sure
my life like a Kansas song or something
but when I look back on it all
I can't help but get a sense
of something, maybe purpose, maybe design,
like it was all meant to happen somehow
like my daughter simply wanted to exist
and this is how the dead speak to us
Through the mystery of circumstance
so strong is their desire
to return from the shadowlands
back to a crazy world of broken glass
cracked pavement and junk pamphlets
that blow through the broken city streets
of our secret hearts

who knows?
I sure as hell don't
what I do know is this:
that crazy old bird
must have known a thing or two
about birth and death
that crazy old broad
who outlived her only son

when she died
when the lung cancer finally got the best of her
I wasn't sure what to think
I guess she's in the shadowlands now
working some crazy magic
from death's secret secreting place
on a waiting world
but if I know her
if she's still anything like she used to be
tough old bird
who didn't take any shit
then she won't be there long
she won't be there for long at all
and who knows
maybe soon
on some sunny day
I might just hear from her again
when the dead come knocking

The Poet Writes About Himself (Again)

I was going to write a poem about the future
Where instead of smartwatches
And those ridiculous wearable android devices
Everyone decides to wear electroencephalographic monitors
With moving image maps
To display their brain activity in rainbow hues
Like some Doppler Radar of the soul

But I decided to write again about myself instead
Not because I'm interesting
Or beautiful
Or ugly
Or unusual
Or anything at all
Its just the only subject that I know

Still the future thing would have made a good idea ya know?
In fact I wrote about it once already
Before my phone ate that one too

The idea just doesn't let go
The idea of letting Google extrapolate our thoughts
For all the world to see
Maybe for once
We could finally know who the smart people really were
The poets and the dreamers
The visionaries and the future Nobel peace prize winners
Just by tracking their brain activity everyday
And putting it up for everyone to see
We could finally find the terrorists
We could stop Isis in its tracks
The Pol Pots
The Hitler's
We could finally rid the world of all their shit
Then we could come for the poets and the dreamers too
Hell, why not?
They probably started it all in the first place anyhow

But the world can't handle that much honesty
So I'll write about myself again instead
Since the world can't talk about itself like that
I'll do it for you now
Writing one more time about myself, my soul
A quiet place that sits waiting
Like the end of the world
A place where everything
Is so exquisitely empty
A place where the Pol Pots don't exist
Where the Hitlers are dead
A place where Isis can no longer
Brainwash its innocent children
The true victims in all this mess
My soul
Where the child in me sleeps soundly
Wrapped in a blanket of forever dream
That place where quiet winds and soft rains come.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Clean Up Crew On Black Friday

We hit the ground running this year
Building endcaps and stackbases
Picking up all the bullshit,
The empty shrinkwraps and pieces of broken pallets
We've all done this before
Lost in that maelstrom of kinetic energy
That aftermath of human greed
That every Wal-Mart warrior knows
The clean up crew on Black Friday
Poor retail bastards
Hopped up on hydrocodone
And hope for something
Just to get the hell out of that place

But it gets shorter every year
Black Friday
A mere shadow of its former glory
The legend we all love to hate
That great god of retail
But even gods can die
I have died every year
And been reborn
Emerging from the ashes
Of Black Friday

Yeah it ain't what it used to be
I guess no one wants to leave the house any more
And a part of me inside
Says stop looking back
But seven years in retail can change a man
And when I look back far enough
I see the way we used to be
I hear the howling of ancient wolves
And I feel sad
We're not much different now I think
Then the men and women who painted caves
On Black Friday
We're still foraging
Modern cavemen with nowhere to go anymore
But home
Back to our phones and computer screens
Wondering what it is that we're supposed to do

And when I remember all the assholes I had to work for
Over the years
I put my face between my hands
Lost in reverie
Marvelling at the fact
That even misery is worth weeping for
Life is that good
Even in hell
Even here where everything is just all fucked up
Even here at Wal-Mart
Where the people go
On Black Friday

The Wizard In The Tower

Boneless faces on the boughs of trees
hang like leaves. They drip and slowly weave.
The wind is blowing. You can hear them scream.
The dead dream. The trees are lodged in stone.
Their roots were forged in lightning on the rocks.
The rocks are made of lava, flesh and bone
that has grown cold. The earth is void of green.
Spikes and faceless heads surround the scene,
severed heads that can not truly die.
A tower in the distance overlooks
this garden of once human travesty.
A window in the tower top contains
a shadow where the wizard moves his arms
and casts the spell that murders his humanity.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lines 11/25/15

He's tapping out poems
On his phone again
Even though
I told him he would ruin his eyes
But he never listens anyway
He's not the listening type
To be honest
He's probably not listening to me now
As he he taps away
On that stupid phone of his
Singing about
Lovers gone dry,
old dusty bones
And ancient melodies
While the world stares at its screen
Refusing to even listen.

Daughter Of The Moon With Yellow Hair

By the shores of Chickamauga,
By the splashing vision water,
Of the Tennessee that shining
There enfolds the Chattanooga,
Shines my little big Nokomis,
Splashing in the splashy vision,
Shines my little baby water,
Stomping puddles in the moonbeams,
Stomping puddles in the sunshine,
Daughter of the moon with yellow hair.

In the rain I see her dancing,
Laughing in the laughing laughwind,
Lily of the moon and sunshine,
Lilith of the shining water,
In the sunny sunlight playing
Where the heart that hearts the heartbeat
Sings the knowsong that is knowing
As it knocks the water of her body.

Hear the singing of my singing,
I who came to be your father.
Know that many came before you,
Daughter of the daughter of the
Daughter of the daughter of the
Moon that shiny shines in shining water
Where you play.

What is there to fear my hushling
When the spirit world protects you
With the passing of your mothers
When so many shadows walk your way?

The path you walk was walked before you
So go my little shining water.
Go my little big Nokomis
By the shores of Chickamauga.
Go my yellow haired Nokomis,
My daughter of the daughters of the moon.

Sing the world a world of worldshine.
Sing the world a song of longsong.
Shine like shiny shining water,
My young Nokomis shining water dream.

Go into the world. Be vocal!
Make your singing song of raindrops!
Cast your voice upon the water,
Make each thunderword a wordbolt
Daughter of the moon with yellow hair.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Song Of Bones

I have meandered through the day.
I have meandered through the night.
I have seen darkness.
I have seen light.
I have seen the swelling mountain's might
where the monster wipes it's mouth and bleeds.
I have seen the rain, the snow, the now
that never leaves.

I have seen the severed limbs
and I have heard the song of bones,
the squish of boneless face and ogre's shin
where tears of blood that shake and groan
take root in earth of flesh where flowers grow.
I have heard the weeping of the beast
that loses everything it knows
to a frank and furious rage
that blows.

It is the lasting long and copious meal
this feast of friendship where the bleeding beasthead
weeps and says it couldn't help itself
then lays its head to rest
to wonder what it's done
and what it knows.

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Blanket Of Song

I lay. I dream. And in my dreams I see
the core of self that peering back describes
the perimeter of mind that seems to be,
the inner eye that ghoulishly confides

the mouthless murmurings that no one sees.
This is the spaceless place I long to be,
obliterating mountains as I move
through time and space and all eternity.

Here I go and lay all fears to waste,
to wrap about the mantle of my creed,
the blanket of my song, this crownless night
of all that I could ever truly be.

No one knows the things here I can see
but in my mind now I am truly free.